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Workplace Violence & OSHA Responsibilities

Health and Safety,

Workplace violence continues to be concerning and problematic for employers. Every day the news carries stories of small- and large-scale workplace violence events across the country. Workers want to feel safe in their workplace and it is the employer’s duty to provide a work environment that is free from known and recognized hazards. This includes workplace violence.

Like other safety issues, workplace violence is recognized as an occupational hazard in certain industries and environments that can be mitigated if employers take appropriate protective measures. The majority of workplace-related assaults have historically occurred in healthcare and social service settings. In addition, late-night retail workers, drivers and corrections officers experience frequent incidents of workplace violence. Increased research and state and local legislation over the last 20 years has helped to highlight potential worker protections against workplace violence. Yet, fatal and non-fatal injuries continue to impact thousands of workers. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data show that between 15,000 and 25,000 assaults resulting in lost workdays have been reported annually over the last ten years. During the same time period, workplace homicides have ranged from 400 to 600 annually. (OSHA, 2022)

OSHA provides guidance for employers to ensure they identify and mitigate workplace violence in a way that does not present additional hazards to employees. This guidance underscores the importance of engineering and administrative controls and proper reporting of incidents. It is also important that employers understand the threat of workplace violence and how their organization can be prepared for an event. This starts by identifying risk factors, security protocols, and methods to recognize and respond to threats. Known risk factors include work activities such as:

  • Contact with the public
  • Exchange of money
  • Delivery of passengers, goods, or services
  • Having a mobile workplace such as a taxicab
  • Working with persons in healthcare, social service, or criminal justice settings
  • Working alone or in small numbers
  • Working late at night or during early morning hours
  • Working in high-crime areas
  • Guarding valuable property or possessions
  • Working in community-based settings, such as drug rehabilitation centers and group homes.

By assessing their workplaces for potential risks, organizations can develop comprehensive safety and security plans to protect workers. These plans should include safety protocols, facility security, emergency planning, facility inspections, training and communication. A workplace violence prevention plan should be incorporated into each organization’s emergency response plan so employees are made aware of protocols, including evacuation and shelter in place.

Communication and training are the most critical parts of the program to keep employees informed and ready to respond to suspicious situations or actual events. However, reporting suspicious behavior, incidents and near misses related to security and potential violence are also critical for increasing the organization’s efforts to prevent an incident from occurring. Each report should be thoroughly investigated and corrective actions implemented, just like other workplace safety concerns.

If your organization is unsure of your workplace violence risks or how to address them, we are here to help! CMI’s team of professionals is available to assist in assessing your workplace, developing response plans and providing training. Please contact our office or view our webinar for a complementary consultation.

Written by Erin Rymsa, Director, Training Services

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