Blog Article

Heat Stress – It’s Time to Plan

With the temperature rising, it’s time to start planning for summer. In 2022, OSHA announced a National Emphasis Program (NEP) focused on Heat Illness Prevention. The focus will continue this summer, so employers need to be prepared.

Heat-related illness can affect workers in many industries, at indoor or outdoor worksites. Some job-related risk factors include:

  • Outdoor work in warm weather;
  • Heat sources such as ovens, fires, or hot tar;
  • Strenuous physical activity; and
  • Heavy or non-breathable work clothes.

Workplaces at risk for heat exposure include:

Outdoors Indoors
Agriculture Bakeries, kitchens, and laundries (sources with indoor heat-generating appliances)
Construction – especially road and other outdoor work Electrical utilities (particularly boiler rooms)
Construction – roofing work Fire service
Landscaping Iron and steel mills and foundries
Mail and package delivery Manufacturing with hot local heat sources, like furnaces (e.g., paper products or concrete)
Oil and gas well operations Warehousing

When heat hazards are present, employers should plan to protect their employees. This is done in several steps:

  1. Have a plan.
  2. Consider who on your team will manage heat exposure at the site. Determine roles and responsibilities for day-to-day supervision and planning.
  3. Determine availability of first aid supplies and personnel who have been trained to respond to heat illness.
  4. Look at ways the site can limit heat exposure through engineering controls. This may include air-conditioned break areas, fans, water mist stations, and shade in outdoor areas.
  5. Consider how the company will respond to a heat advisory and heat warning issued by local weather service.
  6. Plan for training and ongoing communication with your employees including temporary and seasonal staff.

The CMI team is well versed in heat stress illness prevention techniques and developing comprehensive programs and training. Contact us to help you prepare for summer work.

Written by Erin Rymsa, Director, Training Services

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