Blog Article

Creating Custom Training Content Meets the Needs of Employees

CMI conducts training for clients regularly covering a wide range of compliance topics that need to be addressed as well as topics that provide leadership skills to supervisors and managers that are responsible for compliance in their business.

To ensure successful training experiences, CMI consults regulations to ensure compliance is met, participates in client safety committee meetings, meets with employees, and conducts site visits to gather information. This enables our team to develop company specific training programs focused on compliance and relevant work scenarios. Taking the time to gather valuable information and get to know the client’s operations, risks, and hazards ensures a successful training experience for employees.

Training and communication are key to any safety program’s success. Taking the time to develop custom training content that speaks to the employees’ risks and hazards on the job adds to the training experience. Training development activities may include incorporating incident investigation information, injury trends, workplace scenarios, job hazard analysis forms, safety committee discussion topics, photos and videos from the workplace and workplace policies and procedures. Employees appreciate the opportunity to see and discuss the hazards and risks they face on the job during training rather than another presentation of regulatory standards.

CMI prides itself on its training capabilities from world class instructors to building custom courses to suit the needs of its clients. We’d love to talk with you about your training needs. Contact us today!

Written by Erin Rymsa, Director, Training Services

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